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CIYogi AutoPay Membership
$125 / month
+unlimited in person and live online classes
+access to the on demand library of classes
+member only workshops and video content
+includes the level 3-4 intermediate class
+complimentary open practice (self-led) on Fridays
+10% off Prop Shop
+25% off workshops plus 3 weeks of access to the recording
+6 buddy passes per year to bring your pals
+peer teaching and professional development days
+cancel anytime
CIY60 AutoPay Membership
$70 / month
+includes unlimited access to the Y60 schedule (45-60 minute classes)
+member only workshops with unlimited access to the recording
+complimentary open practice (self-led) on Fridays
+48 hour recording access to the Y60 classes you sign up for
+peer teaching and professional development days
+cancel anytime
“Learning yoga at CIY has been transformative for both my physical and mental well-being. I was introduced to CIY soon after being diagnosed with a slipped disc in my lumbar spine, which had severely limited my mobility and left me bedridden for weeks due to intense pain.
I found that the teachers, particularly Deanna and Sharoni approached my injury with intelligence, care, and a remarkable attention to detail when it was at its worst early on. The teachers helped me traction and strengthen my back, tapping into their deep knowledge of Mr B.K.S Iyengar's teachings. A year and a half later, I find that I am able to ride a bike again and sit at a desk for long hours with relative ease. In fact, I can now proudly say I enjoy backbends—something I never imagined possible a year ago.
What is noteworthy about the teachers at CIY is the sincerity and love they bring to each class, and their ability to lead large groups while still addressing each individual’s specific needs is inspiring. I am grateful for the sense of community and mental stillness that learning at CIY has brought to my life.”
- Mridula Vijairaghavan“I think my hamstrings have doubled in length after just 10 classes. This studio is so wholesome for many reasons. The cozy entrance/living room, kind staff, variety of classes, seamless scheduling, supportive and knowledgeable instructors. A wonderfully welcoming atmosphere and community.”
- A J“In the past two days, my yoga practice has ushered in positive changes within me. Initially, I anticipated yoga solely benefiting my physical health, but I've come to realize its profound connection with the mind as well. I find myself more active and energetic, which fills me with gratitude. The supportive and wonderful staff have contributed significantly to my experience, and I'm delighted to be a part of this community.”
- Vijayalaxmi“My first yoga class was about 2 years ago. I was motivated to go because I am pretty diligent about my fitness, but I knew that my balance and flexibility were not great. So, I went to yoga to supplement my fitness. I can now say that I maintain my fitness to supplement my yoga. What got me hooked on yoga was how great I felt after I left a class. Slowly, I could see small improvements, until one day, I unexpectedly and miraculously was able to touch my nose to my knee. Don’t misunderstand: there are many, many poses that will likely forever escape my grasp, but this is perhaps another attractive aspect of yoga. There is truly no end to it. I guess you could say that it is infinite. I noticed that many of the students at CIY travelled far and wide to attend. Some come from as far afield as Lethbridge, Canmore, and all corners of the city of Calgary. This caught my attention because it spoke volumes for the quality of teaching. I soon learned for myself why one might travel a long distance to attend one of the classes here. I can honestly say that I feel physically and emotionally better aligned. I am fortunate to say that at 48, I am totally pain free (touch wood). My balance is improving all the time. My flexibility is better than it has ever been, and my strength and range of motion make me feel vibrant. The poses really do positively effect my state of mind, and I am slowly learning through experience that the yoga poses ultimately serve the purpose of quieting the mind and calming the soul. I am so grateful to my teachers at CIY, and to the wise people who have brought this practice and all of its benefits to the world. It is simple, timeless, and effective on so many levels.”
- Barb Kimmitt